Ulcerative colitis surgery involves removing all or part of the colon, which includes the large intestine and rectum. Ulcerative colitis surgery is the only known cure for the disease, but it can often be controlled with medication and complimentary treatment programs including botanicals, vitamins, dietary changes and chiropractic therapy. There is no specific diet for someone with ulcerative colitis. Experts and healthcare professionals as well as those who suffer from the disease do not always agree on what foods to include in or exclude from a diet for someone with ulcerative colitis.

In an effort to delay or negate the necessity for ulcerative colitis surgery, many patients look for alternative and supplemental treatments. Some are unhappy with the side effects associated with their prescription medications, but even those who do research concerning alternative treatments do not recommend that anyone stop taking their medicine. It is important to control the disease. A special diet for someone with ulcerative colitis may not be enough. If symptoms are mild, then natural remedies and dietary changes may be effective, but it is a chronic disease, meaning it has a tendency to flare up again and again overtime. For this reason counseling and support groups are often recommended before and after ulcerative colitis surgery. Chronic diseases often lead to depression and/or anxiety. Anxiety can aggravate symptoms of the disease.

A diet for someone with ulcerative colitis should be well-balanced, on this point everyone agrees. Frequent diarrhea may prevent the body from being able to use essential nutrients. Frequent bleeding may lead to anemia. Vitamin supplementation, particularly with Vitamins D and B12, should be added to the diet for someone with ulcerative colitis. When symptoms are severe and cannot be controlled with medication or if the colon becomes so inflamed that perforation is a possibility, the only real option is ulcerative colitis surgery.

Foods to include in or exclude from a diet for someone with ulcerative colitis is a point on which there is little agreement. Some experts suggest that nuts, meats and eggs should be excluded while others say to include these foods. The best way to find an effective diet for someone with ulcerative colitis is to record what foods cause flare-ups and avoid those foods. A well balanced diet is one that includes a combination of fresh foods, salt and preservatives may aggravate symptoms. Products containing caffeine, sugar and other things that may have a laxative effect should be avoided. Alcohol and cigarette smoking should be avoided.

A special diet for someone with ulcerative colitis may not exist, but there are many diets that individuals have found effective. Eliminating certain foods from the diet may seem restrictive, but may help delay the need for ulcerative colitis surgery.

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The fact is a healthy digestive system will produce a certain amount of mucus in the stool. The mucus acts like a lubricant which makes for an easier passage through the large intestinal canal.

However, if you notice more mucus than normal, it becomes persistent and is accompanied by blood, then you should visit your doctor for a check-up.

Reasons Why

Large amounts of mucus in the stool can be caused by a number of chronic digestive disorders.

Common examples include:

繚 Crohns disease

繚 Ulcerative colitis

繚 Celiac disease

繚 Colon or bowel cancer

Mucus in the stool can often be a sign of inflammation. When the digestive tract is irritated by certain foods the intestinal walls can react by producing a mucus like substance. This mucus acts as a way of protecting the sensitive lining of gut.

Bacterial Overgrowth

Many nutritional experts consider the most common cause of mucus in the stool is a bacterial overgrowth within the intestinal tract. This happens when your good bacteria is overrun by disease causing pathogens and yeast infections such as Candida.

A bacterial overgrowth is responsible for causing a number of digestive problems that include indigestion, gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea.

A bacteria overgrowth is often a result of the type of diet you're eating. If you eat lots of processed foods and foods containing refined sugar and flour, then your risk of a bacterial overgrowth is higher.

Food Intolerances

Excessive mucus can also be caused if you're allergic or intolerant to certain foods. For example, gluten which is a type of protein found in wheat and rye is an irritant that can cause inflammation in the gut. This can also lead to bloating and diarrhea.

Milk can also be a problem if you've an enzyme deficiency. Lactose, which are the sugars in milk, need to be broken down by the enzyme lactase, otherwise it can cause excessive gas, diarrhea and abdominal pains. Certain people aren't able to produce this enzyme and milk can cause them distressing digestive problems.

To Avoid Mucus In Your Stool

Begin by avoiding foods that you've an adverse reaction to as these foods will cause inflammation. Therefore, avoid foods that contain wheat and milk.

With a bacterial overgrowth you will need to replace your lost intestinal flora in order to restore balance to your digestive system. This can be achieved by eating more natural foods that are rich in fiber, enzymes and prebiotics.

Good sources are fresh raw vegetables and fruit. It's also a good idea to boost your healthy diet with a good quality natural digestive health supplement.

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The richest source of arabinogalactan is extracted from the Larch tree but it can also be found in leek seeds, carrots, radishes, black beans, pears, maize, wheat, red wine, Italian ryegrass, tomatoes, ragweed, sorghum, bamboo grass and coconut meat and milk. Once again the traditional medicines have beaten science to the punch, with the herbs echinacea and astralgus also containing significant amounts of arabinogalactan.

These herbs are well known for their immunity boosting properties. When you are fighting infection it has been shown that arabinogalactan can 'rev' up your immune system to attack the invader. Alternatively if your immune system is overactive, it can help to slow it down. Arabinogalactan works to normalise your immune system.

By far the most exciting research to date shows that arabinogalactan may be useful in helping fight cancer. It has been shown to stimulate natural killer cell activity and block the growth of tumour cells. Arabinogalactan also protects against the damage caused by radiation. The decreasing activity of the natural killer cells has also been noted as a marker in a variety of chronic diseases including chronic fatigue syndrome, viral hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, and autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis.

But the benefits do not stop there. Arabinogalactan also supports digestion by acting as a prebiotic. It provides food for the 'good' bacteria in the intestines enabling an increase in the production of the short chain fatty acids which are critical to colon health. It is common for many Doctors to use prebiotics to prevent and treat intestinal conditions like diverticulosis, leaky-gut, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) as well as inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) like Crohn's and ulcerative colitis.

One final note on this amazing glyconutrient, you do need to supplement arabinogalactans as it would be impossible to consume enough of the naturally occurring sources.

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Aloe vera juice comes from the gel that is inside the thick succulent leaves of the plant.

This juice is taken as a drink which allows the aloe vera to work from the inside out. Despite the lack of formal studies on the actual benefits the juice, people have been taking it as a daily food supplement for hundreds of years and this method of internal healing is still very popular.

People drink aloe vera for several health reasons. It assists in detoxifying the liver and soothing the colon, as well as cleansing the bloodstream. Many people who suffer from a variety of diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and ulcerative colitis have found tremendous relief by taking a small quantity of aloe vera juice on a daily basis. Another of the benefits of this juice is that it has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal qualities so it actually helps the body to prevent many illnesses.

A lot of people drink aloe juice just because they feel it gives them a general sense of health and well being and more energy.

One of the downsides that a lot of people find with drinking aloe is that it tastes very bitter, and once opened it has to be consumed fairly quickly, because deterioration sets in when the juice becomes exposed to the air. There is a very pure form of aloe vera now available in the form of capsules, which give you all the benefits of the juice in a small capsule that you can carry with you.

These new Aloeride aloe vera capsules allow you to safely detoxify and heal your body from the inside out, and you get the same benefits of drinking 4 ounces of juice or gel without the horrible taste. In fact, these capsules are one of the most superior forms of aloe vera available, making them a very welcome alternative to aloe vera juice.

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Your nursing assistants probably know that an "ostomy" is a surgical procedure that creates a special opening in the body connecting an internal organ with the surface of the body. But how much do they really know about ostomies? At your next CNA inservice meeting, try asking these 7 questions...and see if you get the right answers.

Ostomy Q & A for Your CNAs

Q: How many different types of ostomies are there?

A: There are many different kinds of ostomies. Each type is named after its location in the body. For example, a colostomy is located in the colon (the large intestine). An ileostomy is located in the ileum (the small intestine). A urostomy is located in the urinary system. An ostomy in the stomach is called a gastrostomy and an ostomy in the trachea (the windpipe) is called a tracheostomy.

Q: Only old people have ostomies, right?

A: No. There are people of all ages with ostomies. For example, some babies are born with defects in their bowels or bladders that require them to have permanent ostomies. And, many young adults have had ostomy surgery as a treatment for chronic digestive diseases like ulcerative colitis.

Q: Isn't odor a big problem for people with ostomies?

A: Well, odor can be a problem, but keep in mind that you've probably met a number of people with ostomies-and haven't even known it! There are several ways to deal with the odor issue. It helps to use an odor-proof ostomy appliance. And, there are personal care and nutrition tips for dealing with odor.

Q: What's an enterostomal therapist?

A: An enterostomal therapist-or ET for short-is a health care professional who has been specially trained to work with people before and after ostomy surgery. They assist with the physical and emotional needs of ostomates.

Q: Is an ostomy always permanent?

A: No. Sometimes, surgeons create an ostomy with the hope of reversing the procedure in the future. The ostomy gives the digestive or urinary system a chance to heal (from either disease or trauma). After a few months, another operation is performed to "hook up" the normal anatomy again. An ostomy is permanent when parts of the digestive or urinary system have been removed or were never present in the first place.

Q: I've heard of irrigating a colostomy. What's that all about?

A: Irrigation involves rinsing out the colon. Some colostomates perform this procedure as a way to control the timing of their bowel movements. (However, they still wear an appliance in case of a "surprise".) Irrigation can be risky and should only be performed according to doctor's orders.

Q: Some stomas are so red. Is that normal-and does a stoma hurt?

A: Most stomas are created from a piece of the intestines. Intestinal tissue is normally very red, but it has no nerve endings-so a stoma does not hurt.

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An age old substance could offer new hope for sufferers of inflammatory arthritis and the more common osteoarthritis. That substance is frankincense, a resin derived from the hardy Boswellia tree. Frankincense has been traded for over 5000 years, and is best known for its aroma. It is commonly used in incense and perfumes.

Frankincense is also widely used in various religious rites, and was said to be among the gifts presented to baby Jesus by the biblical Magi, or wise men, along with gold and myrrh (a similar reddish resin). Frankincense is still burned in the Roman Catholic Church.

Frankincense has also long been valued for its medicinal properties. The resin is edible, and is used in Asian traditional medicine to aid digestion and promote healthy skin. Frankincense has also been used in Ayurvedic (traditional Indian) medicine for hundreds of years, and is called dhoop. Dhoop is used for treating arthritis, healing wounds, strengthening the female hormonal system and combating germs and mosquitoes.

Scientists have been investigating frankincense as a treatment for chronic inflammatory conditions such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, asthma, cancer, and rheumatoid and osteoarthritis In 2008, researchers from John Hopkins University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem reported that frankincense smoke was a psychoactive drug that relieved depression and anxiety in mice.

In another 2008 study at the University of California, 70 osteoarthritis patients taking a frankincense extract showed a significant improvement in their condition in less than seven days, with no major adverse effects. The extract was a proprietary product developed by Laila Nutraceuticals.

Recently, scientists from Cardiff University in Wales, noting that frankincense was a traditional herbal remedy for arthritis in the local Somali community, began to research it in the lab. Their research focused on whether and how extracts of frankincense could help reduce arthritic inflammation and reduce pain.

They were able to demonstrate that an extract of a rare frankincense species, Boswellia frereana, inhibited the production of key inflammatory molecules, helping to prevent the painful breakdown of cartilage that is characteristic of arthritis and gouty arthritis.

"What our research has managed to achieve is to use innovative chemical extraction techniques to determine the active ingredient in frankincense," explained Dr. Ahmed Ali, "Having done this, we are now able to further characterize the chemical entity and compare its success against other anti-inflammatory drugs used for treating the condition."

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), arthritis is the most common form of disability in the US, impacting nearly 21 million adults. Arthritis can be classified as either inflammatory or non-inflammatory. Inflammatory arthritis is characterized by the presence of inflammatory white blood cells in the joint fluid.

Gout is an inflammatory form of arthritis, as is rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is a non-inflammatory form of the disease. Both forms are incurable, but can be managed with lifestyle changes and arthritis or gout medications.

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Ulcerative colitis is a form of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. It causes inflammation and ulcers-which are sores-in the lining of the large intestines [or colon] and rectum. These afflicted areas are red and swollen. The ulcers form when inflammation kills the cells in the lining. It is also characterized with pus and bleeding. At times, the patient may also experience diarrhea as among its symptoms. Men and women are at risk to such disease. It is more likely to occur in teens and young adults than in individuals at age 50 and above.

There are many factors that can cause Ulcerative Colitis. Experts say it may be caused by a combination of few factors like the environment, genes, and weak immune system. There is also no established connection between foods and Ulcerative Colitis because there have been very few studies done. The reason for this is because studies are only conducted if they show a profit motive, such as treating UC with drugs.

Nonetheless, patients should monitor their diet closely. Foods that may trigger the symptoms or worsen the condition must be avoided. In addition, foods for Ulcerative Colitis should be healthy and balanced.

The immune system plays a crucial role in the body's natural defense against disease-causing bacteria. For good health, the immune system should be strong. Foods that are rich in antioxidants, phytonutrients, and fiber are among the best choices.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of these nutrients. Fruits to include in daily diet are oranges, grapefruit, grapes, blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, apples, and bananas. They contain high amounts of vitamin C to strengthen the immune system, and antioxidants and phytonutrients to fight off free radicals and other toxins.

Meanwhile, leafy vegetables provide fiber to aid in digestion. Some of these are lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli, to name a few. But, be careful with cabbage because it has been known to give many people with IBD problems. Nuts such as almonds, cashews, walnuts, macadamia, and Brazilian nuts contain antioxidants like vitamin E and selenium, phytonutrients, and fiber. They are also good for the heart, and provide plant-based protein.

Organic fruits and vegetables have become more popular today because of how they are cultivated. Unlike the traditional and commercial fruits and vegetables, the organic produce does not use any artificial chemicals for pesticides and fertilizers. Experts claim that the nutrients in organic food are found to be 50% higher. The best thing about organic foods is the absence of harmful chemicals and toxins which can be detrimental to the health.

Besides fruits and vegetables, meats and other livestock food products like eggs can also be organic. This means that they are not fed with commercialized feeds. Rather, they are fed with natural foods. Organic chicken is one of the highest quality sources of protein around. In preparing chicken, it is best not to include its skin due to high fat content.

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential unsaturated fatty acids found in flaxseed oil and algal oil and in fish oils. These essential acids are good in reducing the inflammation in patients with Ulcerative Colitis or IBD.

Part of a healthy diet is the fluid consumption. Water is efficient in removing harmful bacteria, toxins, and free radicals. Fresh fruit juices are also recommended.

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Dark green poop does not imply that you are suffering from some internal infection but if your poop is accompanied with stomach ailments such as gas, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation or bloating of the stomach, then you need to undergo a natural colon cleanse procedure. Listed below are top 5 causes behind your dark green bowel movements:

o The biggest reason for the abrupt change in the color of your bowel movements is the excessive consumption of green leafy vegetables. If you are consuming green veggies such as broccoli and spinach on a regular basis, your bowel may change its color naturally.

o Secondly, if you are consuming excessive quantities of breakfast cereals, red beans, red meat and spinach, you may suffer from dark green bowel movements. The reason why this happens is because they contain excessive amounts of iron, which in turn darkens the color of your stool as it cannot be fully absorbed by your intestinal tract.

o Thirdly, if you are consuming foods that use coloring agents, such as sherbet, drink flavorings and popsicles, you may once again suffer from dark green bowel movements.

o One of the main reasons behind your dark green poop is adverse side effects to numerous medications. In fact, excessive use of laxatives and antibiotics is also considered harmful for the body. Food poisoning could also be a major cause.

o Last but not the least, a few chronic abdominal diseases such as the irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, malabsorbtion of nutrients and a sudden overgrowth of harmful bacteria in the human colon can also change the color of your poop.

A Natural Solution

While dark green poop may not be a serious ailment, if it persists and brings with it chronic abdominal ailments such as abdominal pain, irritable bowel syndrome, gas and indigestion, you need to cleanse your infected colon using a natural colon cleanse supplement. A colon cleanse supplement which is made from herbs has the ability to flush out blocked fecal matter, plaques as well as parasites from within your intestinal tract. This also gets rid of your dark green bowel movements permanently.

I used a natural colon cleansing supplement to get rid of my green bowel movements. In fact, it also helped me cure my chronic abdominal ailments with ease and allowed me to loose 32 pounds of body fat. For better results, I combined it with an acai berry supplement.

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Aloe mucilaginous polysaccharides or AMP are said to be long sequences of sugar molecules that are separately made up of mannose and glucose sugar molecules that are linked together. These AMP molecules are only one of the many, many constituents that can be found in the plant called Aloe Vera. What one has to understand is that it is the AMP in the Aloe Vera that is the only ingredient that is accountable for all the different healing properties that the Aloe Vera has been credited with. This helps in many areas of medicine especially in the autoimmune and the gastrointestinal sections of medicine.

In actual fact the mucopolysaccharides are a substance that is produced inside the human body and is accountable for the performance of many vital functions in your body. The sad part is that, once you attain puberty the production of this substance comes to a halt and the body has to look for other sources to attain it.

The Aloe mucilaginous polysaccharides have very many benefits. it is anti-inflammatory thereby reducing and controlling inflammation, it helps to control the recurrence of diseases, in is an excellent intracellular antioxidant. It has high anti-bacterial and anti-viral functions, it helps to enhance the growth of tissues, improves cellular metabolism, augments the working of the immune system and adds on to the number of immune cells and is one of the natural, non-toxic substances that is said to have absolutely no side effects.

Studies have proved that the Aloe mucilaginous polysaccharides can be broken into various chain lengths like small, medium, large and very large chains and it is said that each different length of chain can exclusively offer its own healing properties. As word spreads more and more people are turning to the many healing powers of this great miracle herb that seems to have no end to the hundreds of medical properties that it contains.

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Inflammation is the underlying cause of Colitis. Colitis literally means inflammation of the colon. The chances are that if you have Colitis you will also have other signs of inflammation in the body as a whole such as skin rashes and joint pains. What is going on is that your body's immune system has got out of control and is working to hard - it's forgotten when to take a break! And it starts attacking your body by mistake. The main place this is happening if you have Colitis is in your colon, but there may be signs of inflammation elsewhere in the body as well.

Why You Need to Lower Your Inflammation Levels

o Inflammation is the root cause of Colitis

o When we become inflamed our body is literally attacking itself

o If you lower your inflammation levels you will have less aches and pains

o Inflammation is now thought to be the trigger for many other modern chronic diseases

Ways to Reduce Inflammation

Omega 3 Fish Oils

Omega 3 fish oils are one tool we can use to reduce inflammation in the body, not only that - they are good for your brains as well! There have been several studies showing positive results from the use of Omega 3 Fish Oils in people with Ulcerative Colitis. I take 4 grams of Omega 3 Fish Oils a day, and as an added bonus I find that my eyesight is clearer as a result of taking them.

Anti-Inflammatory Herbs

Boswellia - is a herb that is often used in Ayurvedic Medicine from India. It has been found in studies to block chemical reactions involved in inflammation. It is safe to use and a study in 1997 of people with Ulcerative Colitis found that 82% of the people in the study who took 350mg three times a day experienced remission.

Turmeric - is spice often used in Ayurvedic medicine and is also used in Indian cooking. It contains a flavanoid called Cur cumin that is showing promise in the treatment of Crohn's and Colitis. It inhibits an inflammatory agent called NF kappa-B that has been linked to autoimmune diseases.

I take a combination supplement of Boswellia and Cur cumin daily as part of my treatment plan as well as the fish oils, I find both to be very beneficial to my Colitis and overall wellness.

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