Although there are many products on the market which claim to be ulcerative colitis remedies, it is important to follow your doctor's advice. Products containing aloe are often recommended by many doctors, but taking other products without consulting your doctor, including activated charcoal and ulcerative colitis symptoms may worsen.

Some companies are advertising activated charcoal and ulcerative colitis remedies as alternatives to medicines which have been proven to keep ulcerative colitis under control in the majority of people who suffer from the disease. While it is understandable that some people may not be able to take certain of the most commonly prescribed medications for the control of ulcerative colitis, remedies like activated charcoal and other home remedies may be ineffective. Home treatment may be effective for those people who have mild symptoms, but it is important to focus on overall health and nutrition, rather than relying on a product like activated charcoal.

Activated charcoal is a material that attracts and bonds with the molecules of other substances. It is used to treat poisoning and to prevent or relieve gas and bloating. There have been no clinical studies supporting activated charcoal and ulcerative colitis control. In fact there are concerns about using activated charcoal on a regular basis, because it may inhibit the absorption of essential nutrients. It is believed that people who suffer from ulcerative colitis may not be getting all of the vitamins and nutrients that they need from the food that they eat, so to introduce a product into this equation that may reduce absorption of nutrients even more may not be a good idea.

Of the ulcerative colitis remedies available without a prescription, products containing aloe are generally considered safe and may be effective. Aloe is known to be an anti-inflammatory and it is known to promote healing. It is used as a topical ointment to relieve the pain from and promote the healing of burns and other skin irritations and sores. In cases of ulcerative colitis, it is known that the lining of the colon is inflamed, irritated and sores may be present. It is believed that aloe products designed for use as ulcerative colitis remedies reduce inflammation, pain and promote healing of affected parts of the colon.

While some people may have had success with activated charcoal and ulcerative colitis control, it may not be the best choice. There are other ulcerative colitis remedies on the market. It is important to investigate the ingredients in a product and consult with your doctor, before you buy.

For more information about ulcerative colitis and other digestive problems, visit

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Through the advances of "modern antibiotics" and genetically modified organisms, mankind has managed to unleash superbugs upon humanity for which conventional medicine currently has no answer. Chronic, persistent infections are becoming more and more common, and increasingly more difficult to treat.

New super strains of microbes have been bioengineered for a vast array of uses, from agricultural and industrial to medical and military (bioweapons). It seems that whenever mankind chooses to cross the line between created and creator, there are unintended consequences.

However, with or without our intervention, microorganisms have proven to be quite resourceful themselves. One example of this is biofilm formation - the organized and purposeful assembly of microbes into a localized community for protection and mutual support.

Patients confront this problem with virtually all medical implants, and "biofilm strategies" may be largely responsible for many other types of chronic infections that appear to be unaffected by repeated exposures to prescription antibiotics. Fortunately, there is a safe and natural way to minimize biofilm formation in the body, thereby depriving the microbes of their "safe haven" and exposing them to our full immune arsenal.

Biofilms and Chronic Infection

A biofilm is an aggregate of microorganisms in which cells are stuck to each other and/or to a surface. These adherent cells are embedded within a self-produced matrix (often referred to as "slime") that is made of proteins, fiber and polysaccharides. Biofilms may form on living or non-living surfaces, and are commonplace in natural, industrial and hospital settings.

According to leading research, when bacteria are organized in biofilms, they produce highly effective immunoprotective substances which individual bacteria are unable to produce alone. Apparently, they are able to impart genetic material to one another to boost and maintain resistance.

The dense extracellular matrix and the outer layer of cells in a biofilm protect the interior of the community, reportedly increasing antibiotic resistance by up to 1000 fold. Research has shown that biofilms are present on the removed tissue of 80% of patients undergoing surgery for chronic sinusitis.

Systemic Enzymes Boost Immunity by Helping Degrade Biofilms

Restoring the bioterrain of an immune compromised person requires cleansing the body, revitalizing organs and organ systems to maximize cellular energy, controlling inflammation and lowering the overall burden of pathogens. A comprehensive support regimen includes probiotics, digestive enzymes, omega fats, vitamins and minerals, herbs and glandulars to promote liver health, and any number of natural antimicrobials.

Such a regimen will often restore a chronically ill person to productivity, but they may experience recurring bouts of illness if they are harboring lingering infections that are taking refuge in a biofilm. In such cases, systemic enzymes may be the "missing link" to overcoming chronic infections.

Unlike digestive enzymes which do their work in the digestive tract to break down food, systemic enzymes work throughout the body to cleanse the tissues of wastes and unwanted debris - lowering inflammation in the process. Systemic enzymes are proteolytic; that is, they break down proteins into peptides and amino acids. They are able to act on non-living tissue, such as blood clots, cysts, arterial plaque and the substances produced naturally by the body as part of its inflammatory response. Research suggests that proteolytic enzymes hold immense potential in the fight against drug resistant microbes because they help to break up the biofilm communities that harbor them, greatly lowering their resistance.

Systemic enzymes should be enteric coated to prevent contact with the stomach acid. This way they pass through the stomach into the intestines where they are absorbed by the body to work their magic - fighting inflammation and fibrosis, degrading biofilms, modulating the immune system, and cleansing the blood.

Systemic Enzymes Help Balance Immunity

Proteolytic enzymes such as serrapeptase are known to be biological response modifiers; that is, they help cell signaling, assisting immune cells in carrying out their tasks. Taking systemic enzymes results in a dose dependent increase in the number and activity of immune cells.

The ability of systemic enzymes to eliminate toxins and unwanted debris removes a tremendous burden from the body's immune reserves by lowering the incidence of inflammatory immune responses. This makes systemic enzymes an excellent addition to a comprehensive support regimen for those with chronic infections or depressed immunity (such as AIDS or Morgellons sufferers) or autoimmune disorders (such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn's Disease, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis or lupus).

A review of the scientific literature, including a series of controlled, clinical trials with large patient groups, shows that serrapeptase has anti-inflammatory, anti-oedemic and fibrinolytic activity and acts rapidly on localized inflammation.1 This suggests that systemic enzymes are useful for a broad range of inflammatory conditions.

If one considers the fact that anti-inflammatory agents are among the most widely prescribed drugs, the use of a safe proteolytic enzyme should be a welcome addition to any physician's formulary and any patient's daily health regimen.


(Mazzone A, Catalani M, Constanzo M, Drusian A, Mandoli A, Russo S, Guarini E, Vesperini G. Evaluation of Serratia peptidase in acute or chronic inflammation of otorhinolaryngolog pathology: a multicentre, double-blind, randomized trial versus placebo. J Int Med Res 1990,18(5):379-88).

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Cleansing your body begins on the cellular level which may be stimulated through the use of Red Clover for detox purposes. The body is introduced to many harmful substances through the environment and also through some foods that are consumed. Artificial additives are commonly applied to many foods during processing which is actually unhealthy for our bodies on the cellular level. Your body needs ample amounts of antioxidants to flush out harmful substance which cause cellular damage and deterioration. When this occurs the body is able to heal itself thoroughly inside and out which actually reduces the signs of aging throughout the body.

How Red Clover for detox techniques works in your body

Free radicals are substances that attack cells and cause degeneration, interruption in biological processes and more. Using Red Clover for detox methods truly works well to cleanse your body because of its natural constituents. This alternative health supplement is full of natural vitamins, minerals, and key ingredients which provide the body the energy it needs to perform anti-oxidizing functions. It combines forces with the kidney and liver to expel harmful substances from the body to promote cellular cleansing that is needed for total body health.

Health benefits associated with Red Clover for detox purposes

The anti-inflammatory and sedative effects brought on by this key ingredient can dissolve symptoms of degenerative or chronic health conditions such as ulcerative colitis, nephritis, bronchitis and many more. All organ systems benefit from cleansing effects of Red Clover for detox goals. The effects of this ingredient target muscles that may become impaired due to cellular damage and weakness, such as when the digestive system is not able to work optimally. The medicinal use of this natural alternative health supplement allows nutrients to be absorbed and dispersed throughout the body to promote cellular strength and proliferation.

Clinical observations associated with Red Clover for detox methods

Clinical studies performed on the efficacy of this ingredient prove that it boosts energy levels in the body through different physiological mechanisms. When the immune system is optimized, this allows all organ systems to work optimally which reduces interruption in biochemical reactions. Using the Red Clover for detox enhancement is essential because it also has antispasmodic properties which alleviate cramps and indigestion when digesting foods. This key ingredient is a safe and effective remedy to many imbalances and illnesses while not causing adverse reactions throughout the body.

Our tips on getting the most from Red Clover for detox techniques

There are many ingredients that can be found in detoxifying solutions, however, only those that contain high amounts of organic constituents will assist proper cleansing of your whole body. When the immune system and digestive system are optimized the body can then expel wastes at a faster speed which allows for cellular rejuvenation to take place. The therapeutic use of healing Red Clover for detox results in the enhancement of total body health and endurance beginning on the cellular level. When you use this substance, you will be sure to meet your health and anti-aging goals with ease.

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It is a question asked frequently by those who have experienced some bowel problem and thankfully for the majority, they will not have ulcerative colitis. For the unfortunate few, and the numbers are growing every year, to be diagnosed with the disease will change their life though to what degree can only be determined by the passage of time.

The disease causes ulceration of the large bowel. This may only be located on a few inches at the end of the bowel, often referred to as proctitis, or the ulceration may be more extensive within the left hand side (descending) of the colon. An investigatory teat known as a colonoscopy will be undertaken to determine the extent of the colon's ulceration and perhaps give an indication as to how severe the attack will be.

The main symptom of ulcerative colitis is frequent, watery diarrhoea that can have blood and/or mucus in it. The more severe cases can witness very bloody stools. There will be associated abdominal pain when passing stools. Depending on the ferocity of the relapse, the number of times of having to go to the toilet can vary widely but can easily get into double figures within a twenty four hour period during cases of a serious relapse.

But there are also other symptoms to face other than the problem of regular trips to the toilet. As can be imagined, tiredness will be a major factor when enduring a relapse and this can be extenuated by a loss of appetite and a feeling of nausea. These factors taken together can create the problem of weight loss and an insufficient intake of essential vitamins and minerals. Medication that is prescribed such as steroids can produce side effects such as increased hormonal activity and if taken for a long period have been know to cause problems of inflammation of the joints.

The condition, though once diagnosed is permanent, can fluctuate in the appearance of the symptoms. An unfortunate few can have almost perpetual symptoms though the vast majority of sufferers will have periods of relapses and remission. The periods of relapses can be a few days to several months whilst the remissions can last for weeks even years before the next relapse. Whilst experiencing periods of remission, it is common to have no symptoms at all and thus it is possible to achieve life full of normal routines.

If any abdominal pain or blood is found in the stool, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible where they will conduct an examination and test. It can often be that the symptoms the patient is experiencing is in fact inflammatory bowel syndrome which is a mild colitis like condition that can be easily treated and ultimatley kept under control. However, if colitis is diagnosed, then the patient will have to brace themselves and take, what for them will probably be a huge step into the unknown.

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Between relapses, Ulcerative Colitis (UC) is usually symptomless. In relapse, the severity of diarrhoea and systemic upset depends on the extent of the disease and the depth of mucosal ulceration. Active sub-total or total UC, involving the large intestine from the rectum at least to the hepatic flexure, causes frequent bloody diarrhoea, often with fever, malaise, anorexia, weight loss, abdominal pain, anaemia and tachycardia. By contrast, active proctitis is characterised by rectal bleeding and mucous discharge - often with tenesmus - but the stool is usually well-formed and general health maintained. Rarely, patients may present initially with complications of UC, such as arthropathy and sclerosing cholangitis.


Local complications
Severe attacks may be complicated by toxic megacolon (or colonic dilatation with less severe systemic upset), perforation and, rarely, massive haemorrhage. Patients who have had sub-total or total UC for over ten years are at increased risk of colonic carcinoma (cumulative risk 10-15% at 20 years).

Extra-intestinal complications
Most commonly these affect the skin (erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosum), eyes (uveitis, episcleritis), joints (large joint arthropathy, sacro-iliitis, ankylosing spondylitis), liver (sclerosing cholangitis, choangiocarcinoma) and vasculature (arterial and venous thrombosis).

To establish the diagnosis and disease extent
The diagnosis of DC is suggested by finding inflamed mucosa at sigmoidoscopy and confirmed by rectal biopsy. If the upper limit of inflammation is not visible then colonoscopy, with further biopsies, is usually preferred to barium enema to confirm the diagnosis and its extent, and to exclude Crohn's disease. Where relevant, irradiation, ischaemic and other types of colitis should also be excluded (see Table I). Stool microscopy and culture is essential to exclude specific infections.

To assess disease severity in relapse
Disease activity can be quantified clinically (stool frequency, rectal bleeding, fever, tachycardia, and abdominal tenderness and/or distension), and by laboratory tests (for anaemia, leucocytosis,thrombocytosis, hypoalbuminaemia, and raised ESR and C-reactive protein). Cautious sigmoidoscopy is safe, but colonoscopy and standard barium enema may cause colonic dilatation or perforation in very active disease. Alternative assessment measures include plain abdominal Xray, 'instant' barium enema (without bowel preparation), and radiolabelled leucocyte scanning.

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Month after month, scientific articles provide proof of the relationship between health and a healthy lifestyle. Cola may up osteoporosis risk for older women; Berries and curry are at frontiers of diet-brain research; Mediterranean diet shows promise in preventing Alzheimer disease; Increasingly, scientists are discovering the same healthy habits that benefit your heart and waistline... are a few headlines from recent issues of The Tufts University Newsletter, Prevention magazine and other health publications.

At the bottom of this relationship between lifestyle and health we find the immune system, whose function is stimulated or depressed by physical activity, the food we choose to eat and the toxic substances we put into our system.

Fifty years ago, we still knew very little about the immune system. In those days, only a handful of illnesses were classified as autoimmune, conditions where the immune system doesn't recognize proteins normally present in the body and attacks its own cells. Today, researchers have found that autoimmune responses explain about 10 percent of the diseases that affect the population; among them, diabetes (type I), lupus, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis, to name only the most common ones. Ulcerative colitis and even schizophrenia are suspected to have a link to autoimmune responses. Furthermore, conditions such as coronary disease have been related to the efficiency of the immune system in clearing up plaque deposits in the heart's arteries.

By the end of the 19th century, vaccines were invented; Louis Pasteur discovered germs as the cause of many illnesses, and, later, body reactions to specific microorganisms, like the tuberculosis Koch's bacillus were identified, confirming the existence within the body of the immune system. From that time on, the immune system was conceptualized primarily as a defense army in charge of destroying an enemy, reflecting the predominant martial mentality.

Koch and Pasteur inaugurated an era where all illnesses started to be explained in terms of germs. In the early 1940's, viruses were found capable of generating illness, and the '60's and '70's saw a great boom in virology, when researchers tried to establish a causal relationship between virus and cancer. A co-relationship (not a direct causal effect) has not been confirmed, except in a few cases, such as Papilloma Virus and cervical cancer in women.

The above-mentioned research efforts were not in vain, and as the result of those studies, science has learned a great deal. Researchers have established that human bodies continuously produce cancer cells, that the immune system is capable of recognizing misbehaving cells, and of isolating, reeducating and/or destroying them, depending on the circumstances. A clear relationship between cancer and the immune system has been established. When the immune system is depressed, cancerous cell growth is not controlled.

Since the beginning of the AIDS epidemic in the early 80s, investigators have plunged into studying what exhausts the immune system in these patients, contributing very interesting insights into its multiple functions.

Our Second Brain
Beyond an army that chases, confronts and destroys invaders, the immune system is presently conceptualized as a self-governing network that participates in the body's learning process, and is responsible for both its molecular identity and the biochemical communication between organs. That's why author Fritjov Capra deems it our second brain.

Different from other body systems, which are confined to a precise anatomic location, the immune network penetrates each tissue of the body. It is made of a number of tissues and organs (lymphatic organs), specialized cells (lymphocytes and macrophages or white blood cells) that swim back and forth along the circulatory system during surveillance missions, gathering data to assure the organism's accurate functioning.

This extraordinary system learns and evolves with experience! From the moment we are born, it learns to discriminate which molecular features typify bacteria that are usually not present in mammals. It also recognizes which are the body's idiosyncratic proteins. Vaccines are developed based on the immune system's capacity to memorize how to react to alien proteins. Many immune system organs function as gatekeepers. This is the case of the lymph nodes (in the neck, armpit and groin), the tonsils and the Peyer's patches in the intestine. The lymphatic fluid, or lymph, goes through these "customs" points where lymphocytes detain particulate matter and microorganisms and decide if they should be granted admission to the system or not. Another lymphatic organ, the spleen, is in charge of recycling old and dysfunctional cells.

This amazing system only uses its defensive resources when facing a massive invasion of foreign agents.

Moreover, the borders that science had delineated between systems start to blur, bringing opportunities for new understandings of the body's functioning. Recent research shows that brain, endocrine glands and immune system cooperate and share functions. The brain produces neuropeptides that are antibacterial precursors; the immune system has perceptual functions, and the endocrine system produces substances that work as neurotransmitters. Initially deemed as exclusive to the nervous system, they have also been found in the bone marrow, where the immune system cells are produced.

The three systems are thus, multifunctional. They form a network that exchanges, stores and passes on information, using peptide molecules as messengers. But, also, our physiology is modulated by emotions. Popular wisdom, which results from observations transmitted from generation to generation, has always correlated emotional stress with vulnerability to illness, and science has proven that our thoughts, mood and emotions influence the functioning of the nervous, endocrine and immune system and vice-versa.

Science is telling us that we can regulate the production and efficiency of our messengers (peptides) by adopting healthy lifestyles. So, eat healthy, have fun, step up!

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A perfect visual element to Crohn's nutrition is the food pyramid. However, because traditional foods provide a negative consequence instead of a healthy, balanced consequence, the Crohn's diet showcases a new version of the pyramid.

Starting off at the bottom, the base on which all meals should start off of, is vegetables. However, as described earlier, vegetables, as nutrient dense as they are, are texturally dense as well, which means that one must steam these vegetables. In conclusion, the base of the pyramid is steamed vegetables. In fact, two servings a day of steamed vegetables is suggested by the Crohn's disease diet.

There is another base, however, and not just one that makes up the Crohn's nutrition pyramid-protein. The Crohn's diet proposes three to four servings a day. However, note that processed foods are a no-no. Take turkey for example. If turkey breast, thighs, or even a whole turkey is bought, and is cooked, roasted-understand that fried proteins are not considered proteins due to the unhealthiness of frying-or what have you at home by one's own doings, then the protein is perfect in regards to Crohn's nutrition. Although the pyramid does suggest protein, stay away from processed proteins-turkey slices often contain preservatives that may contain sugars, laxatives, or other harmful "anti-Crohn's diet" consumables.

The third pillar of the pyramid in the Crohn's disease diet is actually vegetables again, however in a juiced form. Healthy shakes, that may be full of protein powder or what have you, should contain mostly vegetables. The reason why Crohn's nutrition emphasizes liquid veggies is because it is the perfect inverse of density-high nutrient density and very low texture density, because it is a liquid, the lowest texture density possible, for it is not even a solid anymore.

Again, note that the Crohn's disease diet pyramid does not promote processed foods, and it is easy to be tricked. V-8 is a nutrient filled shake full of vegetables. However, it is not encouraged because of the amount of preservatives in the drink-V-8 is not even in the refrigerated section because of how much preservatives fill the bottle.

The pyramid then continues onward to, again, vegetables-raw, this time-and meats, proteins, again. Because of the high texture density in both foods, it should only be consumed a few time s a week, says the Crohn's diet, which will help get one's body used to higher dense foods. Also, meats are acidic, and is another reason why it should be limited. However, the amount of nutrients from both sources are too high to be ignored or replaced.

Next is fruits. Although Crohn's nutrition discourages such sweet, fibrous foods, the amount of nutrients, again, are too valuable to cut out. Again, note moderation.

Even higher up the pyramid is simple carbs, like pasta and breads, which should be limited to about once a month. Although dangerous, it is difficult to eliminate such basics foods that make up a traditional diet. Also, food with an incredibly high texture density must be thought of just as bad as simple carbs and processed foods, which may include nuts, seeds, and even corn.

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The symptoms of ulcerative colitis may be mild, moderate or severe. Mild ulcerative colitis symptoms may be treated at home, while moderate symptoms typically require prescription medications to put the disease into remission. Severe symptoms of ulcerative colitis will require medications and possibly surgery to remove the affected portion/s of the colon.

The symptoms of ulcerative colitis typically present before the age of 30 and may include diarrhea, with blood or mucus present in the stool. Rectal bleeding is sometimes one of the ulcerative colitis symptoms, but without the presence of diarrhea, rectal bleeding may indicate another condition. A gastrointestinal physician can perform tests to determine the cause of rectal bleeding.

Symptoms of ulcerative colitis vary depending on the amount of the colon (large intestine) that is inflamed and the intensity of the inflammation. There are different types of ulcerative colitis and they are classified according to the portion of the colon that is inflamed. For example, it is referred to by physicians as ulcerative proctitis when only the rectum is inflamed and the only symptom in this case may be rectal bleeding. In more severe cases the symptoms of ulcerative colitis that is confined to the rectum may include rectal pain and bleeding, sudden need to empty the bowels or a painful urge to move the bowels without result.

When other portions of the colon are affected, ulcerative colitis symptoms typically include bloody diarrhea and cramps, as well as the symptoms experienced by those who only have inflammation in the rectum. If the left side of the colon is inflamed, the symptoms of ulcerative colitis may include weight loss and pain on the left side of the abdomen as well. If the inflammation affects the entire colon, it is referred to by physicians as pancolitis or universal ulcerative colitis; symptoms in this case are the same as in the other types of colitis but may include the additional symptoms of fatigue, fever and night sweats. In the most severe form of ulcerative colitis, symptoms may include dehydration, severe abdominal pain, continuous diarrhea, bleeding and even shock.

In children the symptoms of ulcerative colitis may include growth failure due to the lack of nutrients and fluids caused by persistent diarrhea. This lack of nutrients and fluids also causes problems for adults and may lead to dehydration and anemia if bleeding is present. Joint pain and skin rashes have also been experienced by people with other ulcerative colitis symptoms.

Ulcerative colitis is considered a chronic disease, meaning that the symptoms of ulcerative colitis may come and go and vary in intensity throughout a person's life. Diet may worsen ulcerative colitis symptoms, but no foods are specifically known to aggravate or cause the condition. In fact the cause is not known. Vitamin supplements and botanical remedies like aloe are sometimes recommended to reduce ulcerative colitis symptoms. A recent study using fish oil for omega 3 supplementation showed promise, but there is no plan to market the supplement that was used in the study. Treatment is important, even when the symptoms of ulcerative colitis are mild. For more information about treatment and diet, visit

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One of the main causes of ulcerative colitis is the overgrowth of Candida, a gut flora. The inflammation of the colon, which is the main characteristic of ulcerative colitis, is due to the body's immune response against the proliferation of Candida.

A disease of the large intestine, ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease which is accompanied by severe inflammation of the colon and rectum accompanied by ulcers and open sores. Its major symptoms include diarrhea with bloody, mucus lined, watery stool and abdominal cramps. Rectal bleeding, anemia, weight loss, fatigue, nutritional imbalance, and even joint pains and arthritis are also some of its associated symptoms. Ulcerative colitis is often confused with Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome due to the similarities in symptoms and often becomes difficult to diagnose. Crohn's disease is also an inflammatory bowel disease but occurs mainly in the small intestine. Irritable bowel syndrome on the other hand is a functional disorder.

Though no particular cause of the disease has been found till now, ulcerative colitis is regarded as an autoimmune disease i.e. in which the body's immune system attacks itself. Actually the attack is not on the body but is triggered by an overgrowth of the yeast Candida albicans. A common gut flora, Candida usually is quite harmless. It is fed upon by probiotics, which are friendly bacteria that help kill harmful disease causing agents. When probiotics fall in number due to overuse of antibiotics, the yeast proliferates and takes over all healthy microbes.

Normally resident in the intestinal tract, genitals, throat and mouth, Candida can penetrate the intestinal lining and make its way to various organs of the body through the blood stream. Releasing several toxins in the body and the initiator of many illnesses, the overgrowth of Candida triggers the body's immune system into launching an attack which results in many chronic diseases like ulcerative colitis. The immune response to Candida leads to the inflammation of the colon resulting in colitis. The inflammation is actually a defensive weapon of the immune system in order to prevent the yeast from penetrating the intestinal wall. Hence, ulcerative colitis develops in the course of fighting a harmful microbe.

Being attached to the inner wall of the intestine, Candida provides a stimulus for the immune system to respond. The inflammation can be prolonged and can lead to further aggravation of the disease if the Candida overgrowth is not cleaned out properly. It is usually quite difficult to remove Candida as it suppresses the body's immune response on itself. Taking antibiotics further worsens the situation. Also foods rich in sugar, alcohol, cheese, chocolate, caffeine, nuts and fermented foods help in further proliferation of Candida and should be avoided.

For ulcerative colitis resulting from Candida overgrowth, the only way to heal the body is to get rid of the yeast. A holistic Candida cleanse goes a long way in healing the body. Treatment usually involves taking the right diet along with the prescription medication Nystatin which kills intestinal yeast like Candida and thereby removes the cause of ulcerative colitis.

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What Are The Major Chlorella Health Benefits?

Chlorella is more than 3.6 billion years old. In nature it is found in stagnant waters rich in organic matter and even in terrestrial soil that is moist enough. However, many algae are grown in controlled freshwater pools.

Even though, chlorella benefits are very well known, there is a digestibility problem due to its cell wall structure. Fortunately, with using different methods it is achieved 80% digestibility of algae. Therefore, a mechanical milling process is of great value, because the procedure does not change the quantity and quality of nutrients that contain chlorine. So, you can enjoy in all chlorella health benefits.

Chlorella health influence is high due to the presence of vitamins such as beta carotene, the whole group B-vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E.

Furthermore it is also rich in mineral matter such as phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, calcium, manganese, copper, zinc and cobalt.

Chlorella contains the maximum of chlorophyll maximum in comparison to all other species of green algae. Thus, it is not difficult to see from where its name comes from. So-called "green blood" is also well known for a number of beneficial effects such as detoxifying the body, cleansing the gastrointestinal tract and improving the composition of blood. However, chlorella health benefits can be seen in various pathological conditions, such as asthma, hemophilia, stomach ulcers...

Scientific studies showed that regular consumption of chlorine increases the body's resistance and improve overall health. One of the layers of cell walls binds heavy metals and synthetic toxins, allowing their removal from the body. Its function of cleaning is strengthened by the fact that it also promotes the activity of the liver.

Many studies have shown other chlorella health roles:

• Regulates digestion
• Strengthens the immune system
• Promotes cell regeneration due to its ability to be divided into 4-8 equal parts every 20 hours.
• Reduces inflammation as inflammation of the stomach lining
• Inhibits the development of chronic degenerative diseases, especially in blood vessels and joints (e.g. arteriosclerosis, arthritis)
• Has beneficial effect on blood pressure
• Reduces levels of bad cholesterol in the blood
• Acts as strong antioxidant
• Has positive impact on many chronic diseases, such as fibromyalgia, hypertension, ulcerative colitis,...
• Maintains the proper pH in our body
• Maintain appropriate blood sugar levels

Consumption of chlorella has very few side effects, but in allergic people could come to the occurrence of allergic symptoms such as rashes or eczema. It is recommended to start with consumption gradually and in small quantities. Results of increased peristalsis lead to slight nausea or unpleasant sensations in the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, gradually increase your daily dose to a level where you will feel the desired effects.

Before you buy any chlorella, make sure you know where it comes from, as there are always supplements available by those just looking to take your money.

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