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Managing IBS with herbs that help

April is Irritable Bowel Syndrome month. It is estimated that as many as 1 in 4 people in the UK suffer with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

If you suffer from irritable bowel, you're not alone. IBS is a common condition that affects an estimated 1.4 million people in the UK. Twice as many women than men are thought to experience IBS.

People with IBS report symptoms such as diarrhoea, constipation, heartburn, bloating and stomach cramps.

What are the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

IBS symptoms may come and go, or they may be constant, the condition affects each person differently.

Common symptoms of IBS include:

- changes to bowel habits such as diarrhoea, constipation or a combination of the two

- stomach cramps or pain that eases when the bowels are emptied

- bloating or hardness of the stomach

- a feeling that the bowels haven't emptied sufficiently

- symptoms that get worse after eating

- mucus in stools

- flatulence

- nausea

According to the Rome III Diagnostic Criteria, IBS is usually diagnosed after you have experienced symptoms, on a regular basis, for 6 months and when tests prove that there is no other cause for your symptoms.

The condition is usually diagnosed after all other possible causes have been eliminated. This is known as diagnosis by exclusion. It is important that other conditions are ruled out as conditions such as Ulcerative Colitis, Diverticulitis, Crohn's Disease, Coeliac Disease and Colon Cancer can present with similar symptoms; particularly in the early stages.

*** It is vital that you see your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms:

- bleeding from the back passage

- blood in stools

- a lump or swelling in the back passage or stomach

- unexplained weight loss

- unexplained fever

- unexplained changes in bowel habit

- persistent or severe vomiting

Herbs That May Help With Irritable Bowel Syndrome

One way Western herbal medicine describes herbs is by the actions they have on the body. Current research confirms many of these herbal actions. For example, Meadowsweet, has been used traditionally as an anti-inflammatory and anti-pyretic (something that brings a temperature down). Research has confirmed the presence of salicylates, which are similar in action to non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs).

Adaptogens:Adoptogens increase resistance to the negative effects of stress - known to exacerbate IBS symptoms - by supporting the function of the endocrine and adrenal systems.

Anti-inflammatories:Anti-inflammatory herbs help alleviate inflammation of the large and small intestine, an important first step in the healing process.

Antispasmodics:Anti-spasmodic herbs prevent, reduce and ease stomach cramps by relaxing contractions of the smooth muscle of the intestinal system.

Anti-microbial:Anti-microbial herbs fight infections; they also help to strengthen the body's natural defence system.

Astringents:Astringent herbs cause contraction of the body's tissues and make them stronger. They are useful for people with diarrhoea predominant IBS.

Bitters:Bitter herbs are used to strengthen the digestive system. They stimulate production of digestive enzymes and enhance the break down and absorption of food.

Carminatives:Carminatives are traditionally used to dispel gas, reduce nausea and improve digestion. They work by reducing the amount of gas formed in the gut, increasing peristalsis within the gut and by increasing blood flow through the gut wall to encourage transportation of gas from the gut.

Mucilaginous:Mucilaginous herbs soothe and coat irritated mucosal tissue of the intestines to prevent irritation of the nerve endings and promote healing.

*** The following herbs can be used to support IBS ***

Meadowsweet - (Filipendula ulmaria)

Actions:Antacid, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, astringent.

Therapeutic properties:An excellent antacid and antispasmodic that can relieve the pain, irritation and cramping associated with IBS. Astringent properties help to heal and protect the gut lining.

Cautions:Do not take Meadowsweet if allergic to salicylates or aspirin, warfarin.

German Chamomile- (Matricaria recutita)

Actions:Relaxant, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic.

Therapeutic properties:Traditionally known as the "mother of the gut" German chamomile alleviates flatulence, muscle contractions and irritation of the gut and is useful in treating stress-related IBS. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties.

Cautions:Can cause dermatitis i.e. irritation of the skin if you have an allergy to the Asteraceae plant family.

Cinnamon- (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)

Actions:Antibacterial, antifungal, astringent, antibacterial, carminative.

Therapeutic properties:Helpful for stomach upsets, flatulence, nausea, bloating and diarrhoea. Enhances digestion and protects the gut lining.

Cautions:Avoid during pregnancy.

Licorice- (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

Actions:Adaptogen, carminative, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory (similar action to cortisone), antiviral, demulcent.

Therapeutic properties:Calms irritated mucous membranes. Useful for heartburn and indigestion as it lowers stomach acid.

Cautions:Avoid if you have high blood pressure and during pregnancy.

Agrimony - (Agrimonia eupatoria)

Actions:Astringent, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic.

Therapeutic properties:Enhances digestion and improves bowel function. Protects the gut lining from irritation. Useful for treating diarrhoea.

Cautions:Avoid with blood thinning drugs such as warfarin. Proceed with caution with diabetes drugs.

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This article will discuss about Candida and Ulcerative Colitis. I got an email from someone who wanted to share his condition. He said that he's suffered from candida and ulcerative colitis, although he thinks candida may be the cause of his UC. He is 24 years old and from the United Kingdom. He's suffered from UC without remission for 7 years and was considering surgery until he discovered that he had candida. He also discovered that it is the cause of many of his other symptoms including brain fog, sinus problems, indigestion, skin problems, anxiety and fatigue.

He started on an anti-fungal program and was 4 months into the program when his Colitis flared badly, and he had to go back onto steroids. His diet also suffered at that time and things haven't been right ever since. He believes he was doing one thing wrong when he flared; he wasn't colon cleansing so the toxins were building up rapidly especially when he was taking stronger anti-fungals (oreganos and lamisil).

He's having great difficulty coming off steroids. He's started an anti-fungal/diet programme again, but every time he took anti-fungals the yeast stormed back the next day, and he felt very tired during the morning. He thinks it's because his adrenals were having a hard time coping with the die-off. He was wondering if he might need to increase his dose of prednisolone from currently 1 mg to 2.5 mg so that he can get things moving with the anti-fungals and his adrenals could cope with the die-off. And it was the biggest mistake and regret when he went back onto steroids. At that time, he didn't understand what was happening and had no one who knew about his condition.

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Colon hydrotherapy treatments are often advised to people who are experiencing chronic gastrointestinal discomforts or illnesses. Moreover, colon cleansing is much promoted as a means of enhancing overall sense of wellness and wellbeing. However, before actually having one, it is important that you consult with a healthcare professional. Sound medical advice and diagnosis are very important especially in this kind of treatment.

Although colon hydrotherapy is said to help prevent various diseases, especially ones the ones that are related to the digestive tract, it is always emphasized that such treatment is a preventive measure. Meaning, serious conditions may be avoided by proper administration of the colonics, or any form of cleansing regimen for that matter.

Also, it should not be neglected that colonic irrigation is only advised to be performed in cases that the colon is indeed experiencing blockage due to accumulated waste products. Such treatments are typically advised to be performed by a trained and experienced colon hydrotherpists to avoid unnecessary and undesirable side effects. On top of that, one must always check the sanitation standards of a colonic spa or clinic. Unsanitary administration and unsterilized or non-disposable tools such as the speculum or tubing can lead to disease contamination. Thus, it is important to go to clinics and spas that are known to observe proper sanitation routines.

Most colonic machines and home colonic kits are cleared by the FDA. However, there are some companies that release their products in the market without clearance from the FDA. Thus, people who are advocates of, as well as those who are greatly considering colonic treatments should be wary of such products. Research about the machine or kit must be done before purchasing any. The same goes to the colonic clinics and spas that you are planning to go to for your colonic treatments.

One very tempting benefit of colon hydrotherapy is that it promotes weightloss. However, the procedure must not- should not be treated as a weightloss program. Immediate weightloss can be achieved through colon hydrotherapy when the colon indeed contains several pounds of accumulated toxic wastes. Overuse of colonics can often lead to dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, or overhydration which can lead to cardiac arrest.

Such circumstances are exactly why colonic irrigation is not advisable to be performed on individuals that have heart diseases, and other medical conditions including appendicitis, severe hemorrhoids and anemia, ulcerative colitis, colon cancer, intestinal tumors, and several other diseases.

To sum it all up, colon hydrotherapy treatment is immensely beneficial if only done appropriately. Thus, it is strongly advised that the procedure is administered by trained and experienced therapists. Also, diagnosis and advice from healthcare professionals are essential in this type of treatment.

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Americans consume between two to three pounds of sugar every week. The sugar is being processed in so many foods we eat. These foods are not just sweets. Sugar in large quantities can be found in peanut butter, mayonnaise, bread, ketchup and many other categorically "non-sweets" products.

Now let's get to the question: Why is Refined Sugar bad for you?

Refined Sugar is bad for you because it raises the insulin level in your blood.

Raised blood insulin levels depress the immune system. If your immune system is depressed then your ability to fight disease is weakened.

Raised blood insulin levels can cause weight gain. Insulin promotes the storage of fat; so, when you eat foods high in refined sugar, you increase fat storage. Obviously, the result is rapid weight gain.

Refined Sugar contains no vitamins or minerals so in order for sugar to be metabolized it must draw on the body's reserve of vitamins and minerals. When these reserves are depleted, metabolization of cholesterol and fatty acid is impeded, contributing to higher blood serum triglycerides, cholesterol, promoting obesity due to higher fatty acid storage around organs.

In summary here are ways that refined sugar can affect your health:o Sugar can suppress the immune system. o Sugar can upset the body's mineral balance. o Sugar can contribute to hyperactivity, anxiety, depression, concentration difficulties, and crankiness in children. o Sugar can produce a significant rise in triglycerides. o Sugar can cause drowsiness and decreased activity in children. o Sugar can reduce helpful high density cholesterol (HDLs). o Sugar can promote an elevation of harmful cholesterol (LDLs). o Sugar can cause hypoglycemia. o Sugar contributes to a weakened defense against bacterial infection. o Sugar can cause kidney damage. o Sugar can increase the risk of coronary heart disease. o Sugar may lead to chromium deficiency. o Sugar can cause copper deficiency. o Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium. o Sugar can increase fasting levels of blood glucose. o Sugar can promote tooth decay. o Sugar can produce an acidic stomach. o Sugar can raise adrenaline levels in children. o Sugar can lead to periodontal disease. o Sugar can speed the aging process, causing wrinkles and grey hair. o Sugar can increase total cholesterol. o Sugar can contribute to weight gain and obesity. o High intake of sugar increases the risk of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. o Sugar can contribute to diabetes. o Sugar can contribute to osteoporosis. o Sugar can cause a decrease in insulin sensitivity. o Sugar leads to decreased glucose tolerance. o Sugar can cause cardiovascular disease. o Sugar can increase systolic blood pressure. o Sugar causes food allergies. o Sugar can cause free radical formation in the bloodstream. o Sugar can cause toxemia during pregnancy. o Sugar can contribute to eczema in children. o Sugar can overstress the pancreas, causing damage. o Sugar can cause atherosclerosis. o Sugar can compromise the lining of the capillaries. o Sugar can cause liver cells to divide, increasing the size of the liver. o Sugar can increase the amount of fat in the liver. o Sugar can increase kidney size and produce pathological changes in the kidney. o Sugar can cause depression. o Sugar can increase the body's fluid retention. o Sugar can cause hormonal imbalance. o Sugar can cause hypertension. o Sugar can cause headaches, including migraines. o Sugar can cause an increase in delat, alpha and theta brain waves, which can alter the mind's ability to think clearly. o Sugar can increase blood platelet adhesiveness which increases risk of blood clots and strokes. o Sugar can increase insulin responses in those consuming high-sugar diets compared to low sugar diets. o Sugar increases bacterial fermentation in the colon.

Bullet List Source: http://www.nancyappleton.com

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Diarrhea is a common term that most people know, but for the sake of clarity here is a definition.

Diarrhea is loose, watery stools. Abdominal pain and cramping may be accompanying symptoms. Frequent diarrhea can become a serious condition from excessive loss of fluids and minerals.

Diarrhea has several causes which can include any of the following: bacterial or viral infection, food allergies, food poisoning, improper food digestion, excessive alcohol consumption, drinking contaminated water, ingestion of caffeine, food preservatives, or artificial sweeteners, parasite infection, emotional stress, and or reaction to medications.

Natural Diarrhea Treatments

  1. Activated charcoal capsules absorb toxins in the bowel and aid in firming stools.

  2. Probiotic supplements boost friendly bacteria in the digestive tract and help regulate bowel function.

  3. Carob powder helps stop diarrhea, so warm carob drinks are beneficial.

  4. Juicing and drinking "greens" helps restore nutrients lost with diarrhea. This also benefits intestinal flora and helps the body rebalance.

  5. Essential fatty acids found in such foods as flax oil and fish oil aid in stool formation.

  6. Potassium is depleted with bouts of diarrhea, so it is important to eat potassium rich foods, like bananas, or to take supplementation.

  7. Avoid dairy, animal fats, grains with gluten (like barley, rye and wheat), alcohol, caffeine and spicy foods.

Mild cases of diarrhea will generally run their course. Severe, chronic cases of diarrhea should be given additional investigation. Irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are all serious bowel disorders with diarrhea symptoms.

Reference: Balch, Phyllis A. et al, Prescription for Nutritional Healing, Third Edition, (2000).

If you have chronic episodes of diarrhea, download my free report "13 Life Changing Answers to the Most Frequently Asked Questions about Irritable Bowel Syndrome" Here.

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CleanseMore is a product manufactured by the Company Renew Life, a Digestive Care Company. This company was established by Brenda Watson in the year 1997 after she experienced a lot of medical conditions. According to CleanseMore's official website, this product was discovered by the owner when she saw the improvements in her health condition when she cleanse her colon and looked after her digestive health. The main ingredient in this product is Magnesium Hydroxide.

This product is considered an all natural colon support formula intended for the relief from occasional constipation. Furthermore, the product helps in the elimination process through proper colon hydration which does not have any harsh laxatives. This product is not for everyone with digestive problems since people with Crohn's disease, Ulcerative Colitis, pregnant women, and those people who just underwent surgery. It is mainly designed to help those individuals suffering from constipation. It is recommended that the product be taken once every night at a dose of one or two capsules. The suggested dose is projected to produce around 2 to3 bowel movements the following day.

On the official website of CleanseMore, you will be able to read through detailed and comprehensive information regarding the product. Plus, you can get your own supply over the net or through ordering it by phone since the product is available at any independent retailers and not just from the manufacturer itself. It is a colon cleanser that doesn't contain any harsh laxatives plus it contains all natural ingredients. You can as well read great independent reviews regarding the product from different sites. The product merely cost around $22 dollars good for 50-days supply.

However, the product has also its drawbacks just like what was mentioned earlier that it is not suitable for certain people with certain medical conditions. Furthermore, you will not read anything about what makes CleanseMore unique or different from other digestive health and colon cleansing products on the market today. For individuals who'd like to primarily lose weight, then this colon cleanser is not for you. Although considered a digestive system cleanser, it was just primarily designed to alleviate occasional constipation.

CleanseMore is a great, gentle and natural laxative and is the ideal product for people who are suffering from digestive problems and occasional constipation. However, it should be taken without expecting to get any major detoxification although it can help clear the digestive from those built up stools. It is as well not the best product for people who want to lose weight at the same time cleanse their digestive tract.

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In my work with individuals and couples, I see many people who have a difficult time expressing and managing angry feelings. Let's take a look at what causes people to become angry and how they can respond to stressful situations more productively.

What Is Anger?

Many people think that anger is caused by hormonal changes or brain activity. This is only partly true. Researchers have found that while hormones play a role in an angry response, there is always a cognitive (thinking) component.

Some people think that humans are innately aggressive or warlike. While our behavior is sometimes hostile toward others, anger is not part of our basic nature.

Frustration may lead to aggression, but it is not inevitable. Some people respond to frustrating events with anger, while others don't. Anger is only one response to frustration. In many cultures, people are taught to respond to frustration in other ways.

Since Freud's day, psychologists have disagreed about the value of venting feelings. It may surprise you to know that today's research shows that expressing anger often results in more irritation and tension rather than feeling more calm.

Why Expressing Anger Can Be Bad for You

Giving vent to anger can produce the following kinds of harmful effects:

- Your blood pressure increases.
- The original problem is worse rather than better.
- You come across as unfriendly and intimidating.
- The other person becomes angry with you as a result of your behavior.

Physical Effects of Anger

Heart. Researchers at Stanford University have found that of all the personality traits found in Type A patients, the potential for hostility is the key predictor for coronary disease. The combination of anger and hostility is the most deadly.

Stomach and intestines. Anger has a very negative effect on the stomach and has even been associated with the development of ulcerative colitis.

Nervous system. Anger is bad for you because it exaggerates the associated hormonal changes. Chronic suppressed anger is damaging because it activates the sympathetic nervous system responses without providing any release of the tension. It is a bit like stepping down on a car's accelerator while slamming on the brakes.

Why We Get into the Anger Habit

Anger is our response to stress. Many times we feel anger to avoid feeling some other emotion, such as anxiety or hurt. Or we may feel angry when we are frustrated because we want something and can't have it. Sometimes, feeling angry is a way of mobilizing ourselves in the face of a threat.

Anger may be useful because it stops (blocks) stress. Here are two examples:

1. You are rushing all day in your home office to meet an impossible deadline. Your daughter bounces in after school and gives you a big hug as you furiously type on your computer. You snap, "Not now! Can't you see I'm busy?"

2. You have just finished taking an important exam. You have studied for weeks and the result is very important to your career. You fantasize all the way home about dinner at your favorite Italian restaurant. When you get home, your husband has prepared a steak dinner for you. You yell, "Why don't you ask me before you just assume you know what I want?"

This explains why people often respond with anger when they experience the following kinds of stress:

- Anxiety
- Being in a hurry
- Being overstimulated
- Being overworked
- Depression
- Fatigue
- Fear
- Feeling abandoned or attacked
- Feeling forced to do something you don't want to do
- Feeling out of control
- Guilt, shame, or hurt
- Loss
- Physical pain

What to Do Instead of Getting Angry

Here are some constructive things can you do to reduce stress-instead of becoming angry:

- Beat a pillow with a tennis racket.
- Cry.
- Do relaxation exercises.
- Get physical exercise.
- Listen to your favorite music.
- Make a joke.
- Play games.
- Say it out loud.
- State your needs assertively.
- Take a nap.
- Tell a friend about it.
- Work.
- Write about it.

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Human growth hormone, or HGH for brevity, has been unduly associated with steroids for many years. Many people cling to the opinion that since both substances help improve cell growth that they are, for all intends and purposes, similar to each other - in terms of benefits, and yes, in terms of negatives as well. This is a grave misconception, an unfair assumption that has festered into a misguided myth.

The reality is that HGH is totally different from steroids. Indeed, HGH, can help stimulate cell growth. But more often than not, HGH is used to repair cell damage or cell growth deficiencies. HGH is a compound based on a single chain polypeptide hormone produced by the pituitary gland. HGH is something that the body normally produces, though some people produce more quantities of such a hormone than others.

Currently, HGH is being used for the following medical purposes:

- In cosmetic medicine as a means of reversing - or at least slowing down - the effects of aging.
- As an aid to weight loss with HGH enhancing fat-burning cells.
- As an aid to expedite the healing of wounds, infections and burns on the subject's skin.
- As a remedy to Ulcerative Colitis.
- As a cure to Crohn's disease.
- As a supplement for people who are short for their stature.
- As a treatment for patients suffering from multiple sclerosis.

These are the more acknowledged uses of human growth hormones. That HGH is being utilized as a bodybuilding enhancement is merely one of the non-medical usages for the hormone that is rarely observed, but because media has become fixated with the ill effects of steroids, HGH has also been targeted because people who use steroids usually use HGH as well.

The only side effect of using HGH is theoretical at best. Many people are of the belief that HGH can increase the risks of developing diabetes. Theoretical or not, people shouldn't take any risks. HGH in large dosages is only prescribed for people over the age of 25 and/or are suffering from conditions that desperately require the intervention of this 191-amino acid.

Should you or should you not use HGH?

Try to analyze your need, first and foremost. Thereafter, try to exhaust all other remedies recommended for your condition. If there will still be a need for a curative or therapeutic aid, consult a medical professional and ask if HGH can be taken to help your disposition.

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If there is one aspect of a colitis attack that every sufferer regards with some apprehension it is the build up and at times the ferocity of the resultant abdominal pain. Even though other symptoms such as diarrhea which results in frequent trips to the toilet coupled with the appearance of blood, tiredness and a loss of appetite have to be endured, it is the associated abdominal pain that is the number one symptom to be concerned about.

Abdominal pain endured during a colitis attack is the result of inflammation of the large colon. The area that is affected becomes inflamed and will excrete both blood and bowel mucus. This in turn alters the frequency and consistency of the feces with the result being that the sufferer has to go to the toilet much more frequently and experience pain when emptying the bowel.

The abdominal pain is created in two different ways. Firstly, when matter within the colon is in contact with the inflammation this antagonizes it. At its very worst, the effect can be compared to using a food grater against an open wound. Secondly, the body's movement can create this pain as the affected part of the colon will move and force contact with more of the colon.

An easy and effective method of reducing the pain is to try and eliminate all unnecessary body movement. This will entail accepting that the daily routines of life are put on hold. When experiencing a full relapse, there is little point in trying to do anything other than rest and eliminate movement as the consequences will be to inflame the symptoms unnecessarily. Laying down flat in bed is one of the most effective methods of reducing the pain. Movement is eliminated and as the colon is therefore still, its walls will not be coming into contact with each other. This position will also help reduce the movement of the bloodied diarrhea within the colon so as to reduce its likelihood of coming into contact with the inflammation, thus less pain.

When symptoms are at their worst, a sufferer maybe faced with the prospect of every time that they move they will have to get to the toilet. This indicates severe inflammation and will result in pain when emptying the bowels. A doctor may prescribe steroid foam to be administered directly onto the inflamed area in order to ensure the medication is concentrated where it is required most.

Whilst trying to eradicate movement is particularly important in the quest to reduce abdominal pain, the colitis sufferer should also attempt to be proactive in not unerringly planting the seeds for avoidable instances of the pain to occur. As an example, the role of diet is also very important when experiencing a relapse and through effective colitis management techniques, the sufferer can attempt to mitigate the chances of increasing ulcerative colitis pain unnecessarily.

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Colon health is directly related to the presence of friendly bacteria. Colon is our large intestine. It is located at the end of our digestive tract. It is five and a half feet long and two and a half inches in diameter. It is often referred to as the sewage system of our body, because it is responsible for getting rid of the waste matter from our body.

Colon is also responsible for digestion and helping our body absorb nutrients from the food. And this is where the friendly bacteria come into the picture. Do you know that there are millions of bacteria living in your healthy colon? Some of these bacteria are good, while others are bad. In a healthy colon, the good outnumber the bad.

When there is an imbalance, that is the bad bacteria outnumber the good ones, it leads to a condition called dysbiosis. This imbalance causes many health issues, such as constipation, diarrhea, colon cancer, flatulence, ulcerative colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and much more.

Causes Of Dysbiosis

Let us find out what causes this imbalance. What factors lead to the bad bacteria taking over the friendly bacteria in our colon?

  • Antibiotics kill bad bacteria as well as good bacteria. Taking antibiotics for a long period of time leads to serious lack of friendly bacteria in our colon. It has often been seen that cancer patients or AIDS patients frequently suffer from yeast infection. This is because the antibiotics have killed off the good bacteria and this has led to growth of bad bacteria called Candida (which causes the yeast infection).

  • Oral contraceptives, corticosteroids, and aspirin can also kill good bacteria present in our colon.

  • Meat, high-fat and high sugar diet spell doom for friendly bacteria. Bad bacteria thrive on sugar and meat. So eating lot of meat and sugar provides the bad bacteria with an environment where they can thrive. When they thrive, obviously the good bacteria will die.

  • Chlorine water is one of the culprits responsible for killing good bacteria. Filter water is a better and safe choice.

  • Sudden change of diet, like when you travel abroad, can also lead to dysbiosis.
Good Bacteria

By restoring good bacteria you will be able to get the balance back. But what constitutes beneficial bacteria? Lactobacillus Acidophilus, commonly referred to as acidophilus, is identified as the good bacteria. It is very essential for healthy digestion and bowel function. Bifidobacterium bifidum is another good bacterium present in our colon.

According to Colon Health Handbook, your colon should have 85% acidophilus and 15% coliform bacteria.

How To Restore Good Bacteria

So how can we restore good bacteria in our colon?

  • Probiotic supplements are very effective in restoring good bacteria in the colon. These supplements contain live, friendly bacteria that help to improve the microbial balance in the colon.

  • Yogurt helps to create an acidic environment in the gut and this acidic environment is suitable for the growth of friendly bacteria like, acidophilus and bifidum.
By taking probiotic supplements and yogurt, you ensure the health of your colon. You should also take care to avoid things that cause harm to the bad bacteria. You should avoid taking antibiotics unnecessarily. Eat health and exercise regularly for your health. And yes, you can always go for colon cleansing to maintain your overall health.

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Ulcerative colitis is a type of irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn's disease that is characterized by ulceration of the inner lining of the large intestines. Its symptoms include abdominal pain, rectal bleeding and dysentery. Ulcerative colitis is a serious medical condition that needs immediate treatment as it can lead to several life-threatening complications.

Although many doctors opine that diet does not factor in as a cause for ulcerative colitis, the condition is certainly exacerbated by several types of foods which are hence best avoided. Therefore, good knowledge regarding foods that must be avoided and those that can be eaten in case of this type of irritable bowel syndrome goes a long way in enabling successful dietary management of this condition.

Foods that must be included in the diet to help manage flare-ups in case of ulcerative colitis are good quality proteins from non-vegetarian sources, carbohydrates and fats in moderate amounts. Fruits and vegetables must be easily digestible and fruits in particular, can be boiled or baked. Dairy products are a must as they help to reduce the propensity of the ulcers. Adequate consumption of water is mandatory as it helps to solve many digestive problems related to Crohn's disease. Physicians might also prescribe certain nutritional supplements such as vitamin B, D and iron to make up for any dietary deficiencies or loss due to lowered intestinal absorption.

Foods that must be avoided to overcome flare-ups in Crohn's disease are those that cause flatulence such as cabbage, caffeine, carbonated drinks, beans etc. Hot, spicy and greasy foods, highly fibrous foods, sugar, sweeteners and processed foods containing food additives must be curtailed as these increase the intensity of the symptoms. Also avoid heavy meals; instead opt for frequent, small meals to stave of hunger pangs that exacerbate ulcerative conditions.

Although, correct dietary practices might not help to completely cure irritable bowel syndrome, they definitely act as adjunct therapy in controlling the symptoms associated with this condition. With the right dietary management, controlling IBS is possible, although medications and in case of severity surgery might be necessary.

Thus, dietary management of crohn's disease involves avoidance of spicy, greasy, highly fibrous and processed foods, whereas, consumption of fresh foods and a balanced diet is recommended. Therefore, those suffering from ulcerative colitis or irritable bowel syndrome can take heart from the fact that dietary management can help curtail some of the unbearable symptoms of this condition.

Hence, flare-ups in ulcerative colitis can be managed via sound dietary practices that revolve around eating fresh and balanced meals.

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Stress is such a common experience and it's important to learn ways to manage your stress effectively. A somewhat confusing thing about stress is that some of the symptoms can be very similar or even identical to symptoms of physical disease, so that it's not easy to tell them apart. However depending on the cause of your symptoms you may need to do very different things to deal with them.

Although you may hesitate to seek help, hoping the problem will go away on its own, it's wise to see your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms which may be due to stress or some other medical or mental health trouble:

• A change in your sleep pattern, especially early-morning waking or difficulty in getting to sleep because you may have clinical depression or sleep apnoea or it may be your worries which prevent you sleeping adequately.

• Excessive weight loss or weight gain because you may have an overactive or under-active thyroid or diabetes or it may be because you are dealing with stress by comfort eating especially eating too many sweet and fried foods.

• A change in your bowel habits because you may have cancer, irritable bowel or ulcerative colitis or stress itself may be affecting your bowels and making them become more active.

• Constant tiredness because you may be anaemic or have a heart problem or stress may be stopping you sleeping enough hours so you are tired during the daytime.

• Shortness of breath, a chronic cough, or coughing up blood, especially if you smoke because you may have bronchitis, lung cancer or emphysema or if you are smoking as a way to relieve stress then the smoking can cause the symptoms.

• Drinking alcohol throughout the day because you may have become dependent on it or if you are drinking more alcohol as a way to cope with your stress.

Some of these symptoms may be due to the stress itself such as lack of sleep, tiredness or increased bowel action and others from the way you have chosen to deal with the stress, such as smoking more, drinking heavily or eating too much.

Many times it's almost impossible to separate one from the other so even though you may want to try some self help methods initially, if these don't bring about any improvement within a short tie then it's best to visit your doctor for a full examination and appropriate investigations which might include blood test, X-ray ECG or whatever is indicated by your symptoms.

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Whether unintentionally or otherwise, people often can't help themselves in advising you of their own special health cure and even such a condition as colitis is not immune. If you let it be known that you are suffering from colitis symptoms, you will no doubt find someone who will voluntarily impart that they know just the thing for it. In fact, it is important to close your ears to the vast majority that have a colitis cure.

Now all of these may have been helpful in a case that was supposed to be colitis, but you are doing yourself a great injustice if you assume that your case is just like that one and consequently, that the remedy which worked so miraculously in their case will do the same for you. To put a damper on it, colitis is just not like that.

Let me take your diet is not an infrequent request when friends get together and discuss their current health and well being. It is gratifying to know that more and more people are acknowledging the fact that diet is so important in the treatment of their health condition. What they should know, however, in order to be really effective, it must be formulated to meet their particular needs. Otherwise, it is just about the same as asking your friend to loan you their bunch of keys. One of them may fit the lock on your home, but the chances are it will not. It is therefore imperative to establish what kind of a lock you have to open.

Applying this to colitis, can't you see how important it is to know what the objective of your diet should be? The essential element to know is the nature and extent of your colitis. Put simply, the actual diagnosis of colitis requires to be definitely determined. Is the large colon only affected by inflammation towards the end of it, namely proctitis, or is there more extensive evidence of inflammation. Any guess made as to the extent is certainly not a worthwhile guide to use as the basis for treatment. Neither a good guess nor anything short of divine intuition will take the place of a thorough physical examination and a carefully thought out diagnosis by your doctor or hospital consultant.

A diet, to be effective, must be fashioned to your needs, as indicated by a thorough physical examination, including a urine analysis. By this, you doctor can see how your body is handling the various foods that you feed it. For example, if you have sugar in the urine, this indicates that you are not effectively using starch and sugar in your food. The doctor will therefore alter the usual pattern of your diet to meet these needs.

It is therefore not possible to give a general colitis diet which meets the needs of every case. It is for this reason that you should realise that it is not possible to apply to yourself the diet of somebody who you hear was cured for colitis. By all means discover what others are doing in terms of diet and other methods, in fact this should form part of your effective colitis management to reduce its daily impact, but don't assume that what was a cure for colitis for someone will be yours also.

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What causes mucus in the colon may be a variety of different conditions. Some amounts of mucus in the stool is a normal occurrence. When the mucus in the stool becomes heavy and visible to the eye in the toilet, it could be from many different things.

Having mucus in the colon or stool comes from conditions such as ulcerative colitis (UC), Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and is seen less often in Crohn's disease (CD). At times, a bacterial infection, anal fissure, or a bowel obstruction may also cause the passage of mucus.

Mucus is a white, clear, or yellowish substance that appears to have a jelly-like consistency and is produced by various parts of the body. In the case of the colon, it is produced by the mucus membrane and serves to protect the colon and help with the passage of feces throughout the body and out the anus.

With UC, the mucus membrane of the intestine becomes inflamed and develops ulcers. These ulcers bleed and produce pus and mucus, which may be visible as they are passed in the stool. In IBS, there may be increased mucus production by the lining of the intestine, which is then passed. Mucus is more often associated with diarrhea-predominant IBS. Mucus is less frequent with CD, but may be associated with the development of an anal fissure.

If you believe that your passage of mucus is not normal, you may wish to speak to a doctor who will then refer you to a specialist if necessary.

There are a couple of steps you can take in order to prevent mucus. Keeping your colon clean can go a long way toward alleviating this problem. You can choose to use an oral colon cleansing product, such as those sold at many health food and natural living store, or you can get a high colonic which is a medical procedure performed by a trained technician. For a more serious problem, you may want to choose the high colonic as the technician can advise you on preventing further problems.

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It is the nirvana that anyone that has been diagnosed with colitis seeks. Imagining the familiar pattern of relapses and remissions disappearing along with the pain and discomfort that the disease brings. The weight loss, the feeling of great tiredness, even exhaustion could all be a memory if only there appeared a vision offering the great hope of an ulcerative colitis cure.

Today, with greater numbers of media outlets, there are bold claims emerging that this one formula or secret plan contains the elixir that the medical profession have been investigating for decades and decades and still not found. The large amounts of money that is invested each year into research by charities, universities and drug companies, undertaking complex experiments and trials has still not found the elixir.

There have been some breakthroughs in recent years as to better understanding of colitis, including some interesting findings within genetics, yet the work continues and the hope is there that one day there will be a definitive reason why the disease occurs and how it can be cured. Until that day, sufferers will have to continue taking the prescribed medications and trying to control their own disease to live life as normally as possible.

These bold "cure" claims are often argued and "evidenced" on the use of diet or natural herbal or vitamin cures. Diet is a very important factor during both periods of relapse and remission in providing the sufferer with the nutrients and vitamins in fighting the disease. It is important to understand how the likes of diet plays a part in reducing the chances of instigating colitis symptoms such as diarrhea both when in periods of remission and relapse. Yet to make the claim that colitis can be cured by just eliminating a certain food or food group may not be the entire story.

When in remission, there are still times that colitis symptoms may appear. This could in fact be a one time occurrence where diarrhea and perhaps some blood appear then the bowel returns to normal function. This may or may not be able to be traced to something that was eaten. But was this just a reaction to the food that manifested itself as diarrhea and some blood because the sufferer has colitis and they are now more susceptible to irritation caused by certain foods? It is perhaps the fact that colitis may have caused the reaction rather than the food causing the colitis. If these foods are avoided, is colitis cured?

It is important to recognise that diet can play a part in trying to manage the symptoms of colitis and avoiding certain food or food groups can be the answer to reduce provoking a reaction in the sufferer's bowel. Yet by eliminating such won't in itself be an ulcerative colitis cure but a means of avoiding certain symptoms that colitis brings. It is an important aspect for the sufferer to understand in managing their daily life with colitis and it is invaluable to seek the experience of others who have endured the challenge in order to ease their undoubted anxieties.

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It is a virtual certainty when someone is diagnosed with colitis that at some point of time in the future, once a period of remission has been enjoyed after the initial attack, a flare up will occur. By being aware of what can be contributing and exacerbating factors, the sufferer does have the opportunity to reduce the chance and severity of the dreaded colitis symptoms building into a full relapse.

The most important action that a sufferer can take right at the point when they experience the first appearance of colitis symptoms is to ensure they benefit from prompt advice and treatment. This means that contact with the doctor is made immediately as they will want to undertake an examination, ask questions and prescribe the appropriate medication. In addition to this, as the sufferer will have their own experience of taking medication, they should have a readily available stock of it to take immediately upon the appearance of the symptoms. This is important as it will ensure that very precious time is not lost during the inevitable wait to see the doctor when the inflammation will have an opportunity to strengthen without medication fighting it.

Furthermore, it is essential that these medications are taken as directed by the doctor. Being guilty of forgetting to take the additional medication in the first week of symptoms can result in a flare up for definite when there could have been a chance to avoid major strength symptoms. It does not mean that over a period of a few days where the symptoms do not appear to be gaining hold or may even seem to recede, the taking of the prescribed medication should be halted. The full course should be taken as colitis has a habit of luring the sufferer into a false sense of security. Plus it has to be remembered that it is not advisable to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen due to the fact that they have been associated with flare-ups of colitis.

There is now the immediate necessity of reducing the daily activities of work and leisure as colitis just loves the sufferer to carry on with their lives. Though it may not be realised, everyday life activities carry stress and strains and this will feed through to exacerbating the symptoms. It is in the interest of the sufferer that total rest, both mental and physical, is taken to try and ensure that the small amount of symptoms appearing at the beginning do not strengthen to become a full blown relapse. This will involve getting rest including much more sleep and ensuring others take care of the daily requirements.

There is also a requirement to alter the diet from the normal one enjoyed to a much narrower specific kind that won't enflame the symptoms. This includes eliminating non soluble fibrous foods such as wheat bran, skins of vegetables and fruits, broccoli, cabbage, beans plus also a reduction in dairy products. It should be recognised that the amount of food consumed requires to be drastically reduced with the pattern of eating restricted to very small snacks but only when the hunger pangs emerge. This will have the effect of taking the pressure off the bowel both in quantity and also foods that can exacerbate the inflammation.

It is never an easy time when, often out of nowhere, colitis symptoms make an appearance. By recognising the fact that this has happened, the sufferer should immediately start their own colitis management program to ensure that they are giving themselves that best opportunity to reduce the chances that a full blown relapse will actually happen.

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Magpies, dolphins, sea lions, geese, elephants, squirrels and, of course, dogs (to name only a few) each express some level of discomfort over the loss of an offspring, a mate or a companion. Whether that response is equal to the expression of human grief is left to conjecture. There does seem to be some resemblance.

It is unclear what role grief plays in our human adaptation to loss. We do know that grief, at some point in our evolutionary history, served to strengthen social and family bonds. Death may disrupt our attachment with others, thereby weakening the very survival of the group. Grief and its accompanying empathetic response may make reconciling differences between surviving group members more possible.

Grief does appear to have offered some adaptive value to how we've evolved and continue to evolve as a species. Like many of our modern-day emotive potentials, however, grief may no longer serve the same purpose for which Nature had intended it, leaving us to grieve without a rational appreciation for its meaning or value.

Death, with its ambiguities and subjective parameters is, much like grief, beyond our human understanding. As much as any group, troop, cult or individual would like to claim a clear understanding of death, the fact is we have nothing more than subjective opinion to go on - a view that relies mainly on Faith and Hope to sustain it. Death and grief are, and will likely remain, the principal mystery of human life.

Human misery appears to rely on Hope to endure it. Moreover, Hope plays an integral role in sustaining our physical and psychological health during times of hardship, helping to reduce or eliminate the body's bio-psychosocial response to stress. The expression of Hope may be necessary to sustain human life.

Without Hope, humans may perish at the first sign of misfortune.

Viktor Frankl, M.D., Ph.D. (March 26, 1905 - September 2, 1997), an Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor whose book Man's Search for Meaning www.amazon.com/Mans-Search-Meaning-Viktor-Frankl/dp/0671023373 endorsed the value of Hope in all forms of human existence, especially the most sordid ones. Hope holds the promise of relief from anguish, physical pain, oppression and uncertainty and can serve to moderate the physical and psychological drain that is often experienced during hardship.

Without Hope, humans are destined to Despair. Chronic despair (stress) can lead to cardiovascular disorders, cancer, pernicious anemia, ulcerative colitis, leukemia, lymphoma, lupus, pneumonia, diabetes, influenza, glaucoma, high blood pressure, chronic itching, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic depression, alcoholism, drug dependency and malnutrition. The expression of Hope mitigates our response to despair by providing us with imaginative solutions, fostering the prospect for manageable outcomes.

Humans approach the death of a loved one as they would any misfortune of life - by looking toward Hope to restore pshysical and psychological balance. Not surprisingly, humans have come to use dogma, mental images, self-talk, ritual, ceremony and custom to foster a Hopeful frame of mind that helps endure the hopelessness the death of a loved one might bring. Although these expressions of Hope are satisfying for some, death is also a time for uncertainty, confusion, chaos, mystery and disorder. Under those circumstances, our stress response is activated in order to face it.

We may rightly conclude that grief is mainly a part of the human stress response. Our brain is stimulated to take action against misfortune; but, since we cannot undo the death of a loved one, there is no rational action we can take.

In times of stress, the fight-flight-or-freeze (the 3F) response is induced. The 3F has deep evolutionary roots in our basic human structure. Our physical brain responds to stress by increasing the production of CRH, a hormone that produces symptoms of anxiety. Emergency-mobilizing chemicals are released. As our stress increases, the chemical levels increase. Our central nervous system becomes highly stimulated, along with our breathing and our biological rhythms our normal sleeping and eating habits. Our digestion, metabolism, circulation and respiration change and our ability to concentrate and pay attention decreases.

The absence of Hope in times of stress may be overwhelming for some individuals, resulting in a chronic state of distress and despair. Chronic despair is often described as a state of being grief-stricken, heart-sick, wretched, inconsolable, woebegone, heavy-hearted and bereft of hope.

In order to better meet the psychological and physical demands of despair, we might view death and grief as instruments of enlightenment.

Ultimately, death may serve the magnificent purpose of putting life in perspective for the living.

Death may prompt us to enjoy ourselves more; take more risks; ask more questions; defend the defenseless, and to savor every bite. Death may prompt us to refocus and tend more conscientiously to our living relationships. Death may encourage us to learn to pardon and forgive others for their errors in judgment. Death may be a time for building new relationships and strengthening existing ones.

It is likely that there will be a period of sadness and loss at the death of a loved one; give them that time willingly. If your loved one achieved the love and affection of others, s/he contributed in some consequential and meaningful way and may deserve your focused attention. The rightful use of Hope as a means for adapting to death, however, might be found in how well you reestablish your connection with others and how successful you are, in your own life, at leaving a legacy Hope for the living.

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Everyone can certainly experience vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms throughout their lifetime for a variety of reasons (lack of optimal nutrition, poor eating habits, etc.), but some people are more likely to have a vitamin B12 deficiency than others. Knowing that you are a part of one of these risk groups should help increase your awareness and, ultimately, prevent a vitamin B12 deficiency.


The lack of proteins from animal based foods creates a B12 deficiency for vegetarians and vegans. Vitamin B12 occurs naturally in beef, poultry, shellfish, eggs and dairy products. A diet without these food sources lacks B12 to begin with and hence they will quickly have a vitamin B12 deficiency unless nutritional supplements are introduced.

Pregnant and Lactating Women on Vegetarian Diets:

This group is at a higher risk than other vegetarians. Pregnant and lactating women require more B12 for themselves and their infants during pregnancy and through breastfeeding. A normal adult requires 2.4 mcg per day, but pregnant women require 2.6mcg per day and lactating women should have 2.8 mcg per day. Even pregnant women on low meat diets should monitor themselves for vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms to ensure the health of themselves and their babies. Prenatal vitamins with a B12 supplement are encourages for this group

Adults over 50:

Approximately 30% of adults over the age of 50 develop atrophic gastritis. This process alters the digestive system and makes it harder for the body to properly absorb vitamin B12 in its natural state (from natural foods). Nutritional supplements of B12 are synthetic and are unaffected by the atrophic gastritis, thus reducing the likelihood of a vitamin B12 deficiency.

Gastric Bypass and Gastrointestinal Disease Patients:

Disruptions to the normal digestive process from surgery, Chron's disease, celiac disease and ulcerative colitis make it very difficult for the body to naturally absorb vitamin B12. I'll write a further article on the details of these ailments, but nutritional supplements should be considered (preferably in a non-swallowed form). This group has a very high risk of vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms.

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Nutrition plays an important role while trying to treat ulcerative colitis and Crohn's Disease. By eating the right food and in the right quantities, one can take stock of condition and avoid the situation from getting out of control.

Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis also called inflammatory bowel disease or IBD can have certain adverse effects on your diet and nutrition. The common food related problems faced in IBD are inability to digest and absorb food eaten and the medicines taken by you may result in inability to eat. In order to combat this irritable bowel syndrome and improve your food intake, you may need to include more minerals and vitamins in your diet. However, the nutritional recommendations for both these diseases vary and also depend on each individual patient. It becomes necessary to discuss your case with the doctor to get the right nutrition guide.

There is no specific diet recommended for IBD. Information available only talks about restricting and controlling your food intake and trying to get a balanced, wholesome and nutritious diet. This helps in proper functioning of the digestive system and enhances your overall health. Since ulcerative colitis causes inflammation of the colon and large intestine often resulting in bloody diarrhoea, usually a low residue diet is suggested to ease you of abdominal pain and diarrhoea. Try to reduce your intake of concentrated sweets such as candy and juices as this pulls water into the intestine which may lead to watery stools. It is advisable to cut down on alcohol consumption. Since omega-3 fatty acids have an anti inflammatory effect, including more of this in your diet can be beneficial. Ulcerative colitis patients benefit from taking smaller meals at more frequent intervals. This not only gives relief to irritable bowel syndrome but also give you better nutrition in day. In acute cases where it is difficult to consume solid foods and in case of poor appetite, certain nutritional supplements are normally proposed.

In case of Crohn's Disease, since it results in strictures and fistulas, it is vital to avoid seeds, nuts, kernels etc. In order to avoid diarrhoea which is common in Crohn's Disease, it is better to reduce your intake of fresh fruits, prunes, beverages containing caffeine and vegetables that increases your stool output. Instead intake of cold foods may help in reducing diarrhoea. For those who are lactose intolerant, it is important to follow a lactose free diet as it can bring some relief to irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhoea and also reduce flatulence, bloating and cramping. Follow a low fat diet if your stools are oily or smell terrible. Eat smaller meals at frequent intervals and take supplementary nutrients if required.

By knowing what to include in your diet and what to avoid, you can considerably improve your lifestyle and condition while suffering from ulcerative colitis and crohn's disease. This also helps in easing you from irritable bowel syndrome and help in keeping the other symptoms under check.

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Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory disease that is characterized by the formation of ulcers in the inner wall of the colon and rectum of the large intestines. Crohn's disease is also a similar condition except that it affects not only the large intestines but also other parts of the digestive tract and extends through the thickness of the bowel rather than just affecting the inner lining. However, both are quite different from the irritable bowel syndrome, which is not an inflammatory disease and does not cause any injury to the intestines.

Ulcerative colitis can affect people at any age; however, it generally commences at the age of 15 to 20 years and rarely starts at above 50 years. It affects both the genders equally and White's appear to be more susceptible to the disease than other races. Family history also increases the risk for contracting the disease. Symptoms of ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease include fatigue, anemia, loss of appetite and weight, rectal bleeding, joint pains, fever and nausea. When compared with irritable bowel syndrome that elicits symptoms that are restricted to bowel movements such as abdominal distress, constipation or diarrhea and bloating, the symptoms of the former are more severe and systemic.

Although the exact cause of ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease is not known, it is postulated that abnormal functioning of the immune system with respect to colonic and rectal bacteria might be the main causative factor. Sensitivity to foods and stress are said to be the other causes for this condition.

Diagnosis is done through blood and stool tests and colonoscopy that helps to locate the site of inflammations and ulcers. Treatment predominantly consists of anti-inflammatory drugs such as corticosteroids and immunomodulators although in severe cases with massive bleeding, surgical removal of the colon might be required. A major concern with ulcerative colitis is that around 5% of those suffering from this condition generally develop colon cancer. To avoid such a serious condition, it is better to follow correct dietary practices that include consumption of fresh foods, small and frequent meals and balanced diets in addition to taking regular medications. After all, a stitch in time saves nine.

Thus, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are types of inflammatory bowel diseases that are etiologically similar, although symptomatically quite different, from irritable bowel syndrome. Correct dietary practices along with medications are the key to managing all the three conditions.

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